Bring love, play, & connection to the people.
Our foundation is based upon a strong belief system. We believe in sharing and showing love. We believe in promoting healthy child development through access to play days that include sports and free play. We believe in connecting resources to families that are seeking support. We strive to encourage people to be successful and resilient and create life-long relationships.
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
JOHN 15:12
We know that when children are shown love and compassion they flourish. Our goal is to show not only our love for the children in our community but the love that God has for them as well. When we show up and lovingly serve the children and their families, they will see love. When we play with them and shower them with attention, they will feel love. When we do this in the name of God, they will know love.
Play is important for optimal child development and is recognized as a human right. This birthright is challenged by a lack of resources available to children living in poverty. Play is essential to the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being of every child. A day to just be kids and play. A day parents and families can enjoy a healthy breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks can provide a much need respite in a time there are few and far between.
Connection is perhaps the greatest gift to give to each other. We are committed to partnering with local organizations who want to join our mission and connect with people in targeted communities. The relationship and trust built when resources are connected to those in need are strong and long-lasting.